Get Involved

Getting involved doesn’t always require programming or development efforts. There are many ways to get involved depending on your current skill set, interests, and availability.

Contribute Code

Whether you have new plugins, patches to existing plugins, or tools you’ve built on top of The Volatility Framework, we encourage you to share them and give back to the community. Your name will go in the credits file and release documentation. Furthermore, your name stays in the code. 

Report Bugs

If you encounter an error or unexpected condition, please report it by filling out a bug report in the Volatility issue tracker (Volatility 2.6 Issues, Volatility 3 Issues). This may sound insignificant, but if you find a bug, it’s likely to manifest for other people as well. Helping us identify problems as early as possible is very valuable.

Create Documentation

We always welcome documentation because too much knowledge can never be a bad thing. If you’ve found a new tip or trick that your peers can benefit from, write it up! This can be in the form of tutorials, installation guides, or API documentation.  

Publish Analysis

It’s very likely you’ve used Volatility in ways other people would never think about. You’ve analyzed different malware samples, and you’ve been involved with investigations focusing on unique threat groups. One of the strongest ways you can help other analysts is by example: show them how you combine tools with experience to make a case successful!

Communicate With Peers

Sometimes asking a question is as valuable as providing an answer. Whether you have Qs or As, there’s a strong community of Volatility users on the Slack channel who could help share experiences and answer questions. This is a great way to reach thousands of your peers who share the same interests.

Design Challenges

There’s no doubt people in our industry love a challenge. Although it takes a good amount of dedication, creating a practical memory analysis challenge can also be very rewarding (for you and the participants). It’s also a good way for you to meet similarly skilled analysts you can team up with to do great things. 

Submit Memory Samples

If you have memory dumps (clean or infected) and they can be shared publicly, let us know. People are always looking for samples to compare with their own, or to use for verifying plugin support. Its also nice to have access to systems with different configurations (i.e., hardware, software, etc.)


The Volatility Foundation welcomes monetary donations. Any size contribution helps our mission of improving, promoting, and steering the development of Volatility and fighting to protect the rights of open source forensics developers. Thank you!

Ready to Get Involved?